Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Deploying WCF Service using Power shell Scripts (PS) /Desired State Configuration  (DSC ) through vNext Release Template in Microsoft Release Management

vNext Release Template


Custom Configuration Variables




Configuration modulecopy {


    Node $ServerName


                File ModuleContent


                Ensure          = "Present"

                SourcePath      = $SourcePathBeforeBuildNo +"\"+ $BuildlNo +"\" + $SourcePathAfterBuildNo

                DestinationPath = $DestinationPath

                Recurse         = $true

                Type            = "Directory"







modulecopy -DestinationPath $DestinationPath






Configuration Deploy {


Import-DscResource -Module xWebAuth

Import-DscResource -Module xWebSSLFlags

Import-DscResource -Module AppPoolServiceAccount

Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration






Node $ServerName



    #install IIS

      #install IIS


         WindowsFeature IIS {

         Ensure = "Present"

         Name = "Web-Server"



     WindowsFeature WebTools {

         Ensure = "Present"

         Name = "Web-Mgmt-Tools"


         WindowsFeature WinAuth


            Ensure = "Present"

            Name   = "web-Windows-Auth"            



   #Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role

       # WindowsFeature AspNet40

       # {

       #     Ensure          = "Present"

       #     Name            = "Web-Asp-Net40"

       #     DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]IIS"

       # }       


        xWebAppPool NewWebAppPool


            Name   = $NewWebAppPoolName

            Ensure = "Present"


            State  = "Started"



           # DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]AspNet40"                        





        AppPoolServiceAccount NewWebAppPoolServiceAccount


            AppPoolName   = $NewWebAppPoolName

            UserName = $NewWebAppPoolServiceAccount


            IdentityType = $NewWebAppPoolIdentityType                

            Ensure = "Present"              

            DependsOn = "[xWebAppPool]NewWebAppPool"






        #remove content

        File RemoveContent 


            Ensure          = "Absent" 

            DestinationPath = $DestinationPathforWebsite 

            Recurse         = $true 

            Type            = "Directory"

                     Force                = $true               



        # Copy the website content 

        File WebContent 


            Ensure          = "Present" 

             SourcePath      = $SourcePathBeforeBuildNo + "\"+ $BuildNo +"\" + $SourcePathAfterBuildNo


            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath 

            Recurse         = $true 

            Type            = "Directory"            



        # Create the new Website with HTTPS 

        xWebsite NewWebsite 


           Ensure          = "Present" 

            Name            = $WebsiteName 

            State           = "Started" 

            PhysicalPath    = $PhysicalPathForWebsite 


            BindingInfo     = MSFT_xWebBindingInformation 


                               Protocol              = "HTTP" 

                               Port                  = 80

                               #CertificateThumbprint =$Node.Thumbprint

                               #CertificateStoreName  = "MY" 

                               IPAddress = $IPAddress



                             ApplicationPool = $NewWebSiteAppPoolName

            DependsOn       = "[File]WebContent" 



       #Add Appliaction to the website created

       xWebApplication NewApplication


               Ensure = "Present"

               Website = $WebsiteName

               WebAppPool = $NewWebAppPoolName

               PhysicalPath = $PhysicalPathForApplication


               Name =$WebAppName






       xWebAuth WebSiteanonymousAuthenticationType


            WebSiteName = $WebSiteName

            AuthenticationType = "anonymousAuthentication"

            Ensure = "Present"           













 $CompleteSourcepath = $SourcePathBeforeBuildNo + "\"+ $BuildNo +"\" + $SourcePathAfterBuildNo

 Deploy -WebSiteName $WebsiteName -SourcePath $CompleteSourcepath -DestinationPath $DestinationPathforWebsite






Configuration webconfigreplace {



 Import-Module WebAdministration



 Node $ServerName


        File WebConfig 


            Ensure          = "Present" 

            SourcePath      = $SourcePathforconfigBeforeBuildNo +"\"+$BuildNo+"\"+$SourcePathforconfigAfterBuildNo

            DestinationPath = $DestinationPathforconfig 

            Recurse         = $true

            Type =          "Directory" 

            Force           =$true



              #xWebAuth WebSiteanonymousAuthenticationType


        #    WebSiteName = $Node.WebSiteName

        #    AuthenticationType = "anonymousAuthentication"

        #    Ensure = "Absent"           




        $appPool = Get-Item ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $NewWebAppPoolName)

        $appPool.managedRuntimeVersion = $DotNetFrameWorkVersion

        $appPool | Set-Item







webconfigreplace -DestinationPath $DestinationPathforconfig



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