1)Add this class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
A class to allow you to add summaries and groups to a GridView, easily!
namespace a
public delegate void GroupEvent(string groupName, object[] values, GridViewRow row);
/// <summary>
/// A class that represents a group consisting of a set of columns
/// </summary>
public class GridViewGroup
#region Fields
private string[] _columns;
private object[] _actualValues;
private int _quantity;
private bool _automatic;
private bool _hideGroupColumns;
private bool _isSuppressGroup;
private bool _generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow;
private GridViewSummaryList mSummaries;
#region Properties
public string[] Columns
get { return _columns; }
public object[] ActualValues
get { return _actualValues; }
public int Quantity
get { return _quantity; }
public bool Automatic
get { return _automatic; }
set { _automatic = value; }
public bool HideGroupColumns
get { return _hideGroupColumns; }
set { _hideGroupColumns = value; }
public bool IsSuppressGroup
get { return _isSuppressGroup; }
public bool GenerateAllCellsOnSummaryRow
get { return _generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow; }
set { _generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow = value; }
public string Name
get { return String.Join("+", this._columns); }
public GridViewSummaryList Summaries
get { return mSummaries; }
#region Constructors
public GridViewGroup(string[] cols, bool isSuppressGroup, bool auto, bool hideGroupColumns, bool generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow)
this.mSummaries = new GridViewSummaryList();
this._actualValues = null;
this._quantity = 0;
this._columns = cols;
this._isSuppressGroup = isSuppressGroup;
this._automatic = auto;
this._hideGroupColumns = hideGroupColumns;
this._generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow = generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow;
public GridViewGroup(string[] cols, bool auto, bool hideGroupColumns, bool generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow)
: this(cols, false, auto, hideGroupColumns, generateAllCellsOnSummaryRow)
public GridViewGroup(string[] cols, bool auto, bool hideGroupColumns)
: this(cols, auto, hideGroupColumns, false)
internal void SetActualValues(object[] values)
this._actualValues = values;
public bool ContainsSummary(GridViewSummary s)
return mSummaries.Contains(s);
public void AddSummary(GridViewSummary s)
if (this.ContainsSummary(s))
throw new Exception("Summary already exists in this group.");
if (!s.Validate())
throw new Exception("Invalid summary.");
///s._group = this;
public void Reset()
this._quantity = 0;
foreach (GridViewSummary s in mSummaries)
public void AddValueToSummaries(object dataitem)
foreach (GridViewSummary s in mSummaries)
s.AddValue(DataBinder.Eval(dataitem, s.Column));
public void CalculateSummaries()
foreach (GridViewSummary s in mSummaries)
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for GridViewGroupList
/// </summary>
public class GridViewGroupList : List<GridViewGroup>
public GridViewGroup this[string name]
get { return this.FindGroupByName(name); }
public GridViewGroup FindGroupByName(string name)
foreach (GridViewGroup g in this)
if (g.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) return g;
return null;
public delegate void FooterEvent(GridViewRow row);
/// <summary>
/// A class to allow you to add summaries and groups to a GridView, easily!
/// </summary>
public class GridViewHelper
#region Fields
private GridView mGrid;
private GridViewSummaryList mGeneralSummaries;
private GridViewGroupList mGroups;
private bool useFooter;
private SortDirection groupSortDir;
public GridViewGroupList Groups
get { return mGroups; }
public GridViewSummaryList GeneralSummaries
get { return mGeneralSummaries; }
#region Messages
private const string USE_ADEQUATE_METHOD_TO_REGISTER_THE_SUMMARY = "Use adequate method to register a summary with custom operation.";
private const string GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "Group {0} not found. Please register the group before the summary.";
private const string INVALID_SUMMARY = "Invalid summary.";
private const string SUPPRESS_GROUP_ALREADY_DEFINED = "A suppress group is already defined. You can't define suppress AND summary groups simultaneously";
private const string ONE_GROUP_ALREADY_REGISTERED = "At least a group is already defined. A suppress group can't coexist with other groups";
#region Events
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered when a new group starts
/// </summary>
public event GroupEvent GroupStart;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered when a group ends
/// </summary>
public event GroupEvent GroupEnd;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered after a row for group header be inserted
/// </summary>
public event GroupEvent GroupHeader;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered after a row for group summary be inserted
/// </summary>
public event GroupEvent GroupSummary;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered after the general summaries be generated
/// </summary>
public event FooterEvent GeneralSummary;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered when the footer is databound
/// </summary>
public event FooterEvent FooterDataBound;
#region Constructors
public GridViewHelper(GridView grd) : this(grd, false, SortDirection.Ascending) { }
public GridViewHelper(GridView grd, bool useFooterForGeneralSummaries) : this(grd, useFooterForGeneralSummaries, SortDirection.Ascending) { }
public GridViewHelper(GridView grd, bool useFooterForGeneralSummaries, SortDirection groupSortDirection)
this.mGrid = grd;
this.useFooter = useFooterForGeneralSummaries;
this.groupSortDir = groupSortDirection;
this.mGeneralSummaries = new GridViewSummaryList();
this.mGroups = new GridViewGroupList();
this.mGrid.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(RowDataBoundHandler);
#region RegisterSummary overloads
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, SummaryOperation operation)
return this.RegisterSummary(column, String.Empty, operation);
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, string formatString, SummaryOperation operation)
if (operation == SummaryOperation.Custom)
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewSummary s = new GridViewSummary(column, formatString, operation, null);
// if general summaries are displayed in the footer, it must be set to visible
if (useFooter) mGrid.ShowFooter = true;
return s;
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, SummaryOperation operation, string groupName)
return this.RegisterSummary(column, String.Empty, operation, groupName);
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, string formatString, SummaryOperation operation, string groupName)
if (operation == SummaryOperation.Custom)
GridViewGroup group = mGroups[groupName];
if (group == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format(GROUP_NOT_FOUND, groupName));
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewSummary s = new GridViewSummary(column, formatString, operation, group);
return s;
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, CustomSummaryOperation operation, SummaryResultMethod getResult)
return RegisterSummary(column, String.Empty, operation, getResult);
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, string formatString, CustomSummaryOperation operation, SummaryResultMethod getResult)
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewSummary s = new GridViewSummary(column, formatString, operation, getResult, null);
// if general summaries are displayed in the footer, it must be set to visible
if (useFooter) mGrid.ShowFooter = true;
return s;
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, CustomSummaryOperation operation, SummaryResultMethod getResult, string groupName)
return RegisterSummary(column, String.Empty, operation, getResult, groupName);
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(string column, string formatString, CustomSummaryOperation operation, SummaryResultMethod getResult, string groupName)
GridViewGroup group = mGroups[groupName];
if (group == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format(GROUP_NOT_FOUND, groupName));
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewSummary s = new GridViewSummary(column, formatString, operation, getResult, group);
return s;
public GridViewSummary RegisterSummary(GridViewSummary s)
if (!s.Validate())
throw new Exception(INVALID_SUMMARY);
if (s.Group == null)
// if general summaries are displayed in the footer, it must be set to visible
if (useFooter) mGrid.ShowFooter = true;
else if (!s.Group.ContainsSummary(s))
return s;
#region RegisterGroup overloads
public GridViewGroup RegisterGroup(string column, bool auto, bool hideGroupColumns)
string[] cols = new string[1] { column };
return RegisterGroup(cols, auto, hideGroupColumns);
public GridViewGroup RegisterGroup(string[] columns, bool auto, bool hideGroupColumns)
if (HasSuppressGroup())
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewGroup g = new GridViewGroup(columns, auto, hideGroupColumns);
if (hideGroupColumns)
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns.Length; j++)
if (GetDataFieldName(mGrid.Columns[i]).ToLower() == columns[j].ToLower())
mGrid.Columns[i].Visible = false;
return g;
#region SetSuppressGroup overloads
public GridViewGroup SetSuppressGroup(string column)
string[] cols = new string[1] { column };
return SetSuppressGroup(cols);
public GridViewGroup SetSuppressGroup(string[] columns)
if (mGroups.Count > 0)
// TO DO: Perform column validation...
GridViewGroup g = new GridViewGroup(columns, true, false, false, false);
// Disable paging because pager works in datarows that
// will be suppressed
mGrid.AllowPaging = false;
return g;
#region Private Helper functions
private string GetSequentialGroupColumns()
string ret = String.Empty;
foreach (GridViewGroup g in mGroups)
ret += g.Name.Replace('+', ',') + ",";
return ret.Substring(0, ret.Length - 1);
/// <summary>
/// Compares the actual group values with the values of the current dataitem
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g"></param>
/// <param name="dataitem"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool EvaluateEquals(GridViewGroup g, object dataitem)
// The values wasn't initialized
if (g.ActualValues == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < g.Columns.Length; i++)
if (g.ActualValues[i] == null && DataBinder.Eval(dataitem, g.Columns[i]) != null) return false;
if (g.ActualValues[i] != null && DataBinder.Eval(dataitem, g.Columns[i]) == null) return false;
if (!g.ActualValues[i].Equals(DataBinder.Eval(dataitem, g.Columns[i]))) return false;
return true;
private bool HasSuppressGroup()
foreach (GridViewGroup g in mGroups)
if (g.IsSuppressGroup) return true;
return false;
private bool HasAutoSummary(List<GridViewSummary> list)
foreach (GridViewSummary s in list)
if (s.Automatic) return true;
return false;
private object[] GetGroupRowValues(GridViewGroup g, object dataitem)
object[] values = new object[g.Columns.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < g.Columns.Length; i++)
values[i] = DataBinder.Eval(dataitem, g.Columns[i]);
return values;
/// <summary>
/// Inserts a grid row. Only cells required for the summary results
/// will be created (except if GenerateAllCellsOnSummaryRow is true).
/// The group will be checked for columns with summary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="beforeRow"></param>
/// <param name="g"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private GridViewRow InsertGridRow(GridViewRow beforeRow, GridViewGroup g)
int colspan;
TableCell cell;
TableCell[] tcArray;
int visibleColumns = this.GetVisibleColumnCount();
Table tbl = (Table)mGrid.Controls[0];
int newRowIndex = tbl.Rows.GetRowIndex(beforeRow);
GridViewRow newRow = new GridViewRow(newRowIndex, newRowIndex, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal);
if (g != null && (g.IsSuppressGroup || g.GenerateAllCellsOnSummaryRow))
// Create all the table cells
tcArray = new TableCell[visibleColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns; i++)
cell = new TableCell();
cell.Text = " ";
tcArray[i] = cell;
// Create only the required table cells
colspan = 0;
List<TableCell> tcc = new List<TableCell>();
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
if (ColumnHasSummary(i, g))
if (colspan > 0)
cell = new TableCell();
cell.Text = " ";
cell.ColumnSpan = colspan;
colspan = 0;
// insert table cell and copy the style
cell = new TableCell();
else if (mGrid.Columns[i].Visible)
// A visible column that will have no cell because has
// no summary. So we increase the colspan...
if (colspan > 0)
cell = new TableCell();
cell.Text = " ";
cell.ColumnSpan = colspan;
colspan = 0;
tcArray = new TableCell[tcc.Count];
tbl.Controls.AddAt(newRowIndex, newRow);
return newRow;
#region Core
private void RowDataBoundHandler(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
foreach (GridViewGroup g in mGroups)
// The last group values are caught here
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
GenerateGroupSummary(g, e.Row);
if (GroupEnd != null)
GroupEnd(g.Name, g.ActualValues, e.Row);
else if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
ProcessGroup(g, e);
if (g.IsSuppressGroup)
e.Row.Visible = false;
else if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Pager)
// Workaround to strange behavior (ColumnSpan not rendered)
// when AllowPaging=true
// Found at: http://aspadvice.com/blogs/joteke/archive/2006/02/11/15130.aspx
TableCell originalCell = e.Row.Cells[0];
TableCell newCell = new TableCell();
newCell.Visible = false;
e.Row.Cells.AddAt(0, newCell);
originalCell.ColumnSpan = this.GetVisibleColumnCount();
// This will deal only with general summaries
foreach (GridViewSummary s in mGeneralSummaries)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
// Essentially this isn't required, but it prevents wrong calc
// in case of RowDataBound event be called twice (for each row)
else if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
s.AddValue(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, s.Column));
else if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
// Automatic generation of summary
// Triggers event footerdatabound
if (FooterDataBound != null)
private void ProcessGroup(GridViewGroup g, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
string groupHeaderText = String.Empty;
// Check if it's still in the same group values
if (!EvaluateEquals(g, e.Row.DataItem))
// Check if a group ends or if it is the first group values starting...
if (g.ActualValues != null)
GenerateGroupSummary(g, e.Row);
// Triggers event GroupEnd
if (GroupEnd != null)
GroupEnd(g.Name, g.ActualValues, e.Row);
// Another group values starts now
g.SetActualValues(GetGroupRowValues(g, e.Row.DataItem));
// If group is automatic inserts a group header
if (g.Automatic)
for (int v = 0; v < g.ActualValues.Length; v++)
if (g.ActualValues[v] == null) continue;
groupHeaderText += g.ActualValues[v].ToString();
if (g.ActualValues.Length - v > 1)
groupHeaderText += " - ";
GridViewRow newRow = InsertGridRow(e.Row);
newRow.Cells[0].Text = groupHeaderText;
// Triggers event GroupHeader
if (GroupHeader != null)
GroupHeader(g.Name, g.ActualValues, newRow);
// Triggers event GroupStart
if (GroupStart != null)
GroupStart(g.Name, g.ActualValues, e.Row);
private string GetFormatedString(string preferredFormat, string secondFormat, object value)
String format = preferredFormat;
if (format.Length == 0)
format = secondFormat;
if (format.Length > 0)
return String.Format(format, value);
return value.ToString();
private void GenerateGroupSummary(GridViewGroup g, GridViewRow row)
int colIndex;
object colValue;
if (!HasAutoSummary(g.Summaries) && !HasSuppressGroup()) return;
// Inserts a new row
GridViewRow newRow = InsertGridRow(row, g);
foreach (GridViewSummary s in g.Summaries)
if (s.Automatic)
colIndex = GetVisibleColumnIndex(s.Column);
colIndex = ResolveCellIndex(newRow, colIndex);
newRow.Cells[colIndex].Text = this.GetFormatedString(s.FormatString, this.GetColumnFormat(GetColumnIndex(s.Column)), s.Value);
// If it is a suppress group must set the grouped values in the cells
// of the inserted row
if (g.IsSuppressGroup)
for (int i = 0; i < g.Columns.Length; i++)
colValue = g.ActualValues[i];
if (colValue != null)
colIndex = GetVisibleColumnIndex(g.Columns[i]);
colIndex = ResolveCellIndex(newRow, colIndex);
newRow.Cells[colIndex].Text = colValue.ToString();
// Triggers event GroupSummary
if (GroupSummary != null)
GroupSummary(g.Name, g.ActualValues, newRow);
/// <summary>
/// Generates the general summaries in the grid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">GridViewRowEventArgs</param>
private void GenerateGeneralSummaries(GridViewRowEventArgs e)
int colIndex;
GridViewRow row;
if (!HasAutoSummary(this.mGeneralSummaries))
// Triggers event GeneralSummary
if (GeneralSummary != null)
if (useFooter)
row = e.Row;
row = InsertGridRow(e.Row, null);
foreach (GridViewSummary s in mGeneralSummaries)
if (!s.Automatic) continue;
if (useFooter)
colIndex = GetColumnIndex(s.Column);
colIndex = GetVisibleColumnIndex(s.Column);
colIndex = ResolveCellIndex(row, colIndex);
row.Cells[colIndex].Text = this.GetFormatedString(s.FormatString, this.GetColumnFormat(GetColumnIndex(s.Column)), s.Value);
// Triggers event GeneralSummary
if (GeneralSummary != null)
/// <summary>
/// Identifies the equivalent index on a row that contains cells with colspan
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <param name="colIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int ResolveCellIndex(GridViewRow row, int colIndex)
int colspansum = 0;
int realIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < row.Cells.Count; i++)
realIndex = i + colspansum;
if (realIndex == colIndex) return i;
if (row.Cells[i].ColumnSpan > 1)
colspansum = colspansum + row.Cells[i].ColumnSpan - 1;
return -1;
private bool ColumnHasSummary(int colindex, GridViewGroup g)
List<GridViewSummary> list;
string column = this.GetDataFieldName(mGrid.Columns[colindex]);
if (g == null)
list = this.mGeneralSummaries;
list = g.Summaries;
foreach (GridViewSummary s in list)
if (column.ToLower() == s.Column.ToLower())
return true;
return false;
private bool ColumnHasSummary(string column, GridViewGroup g)
List<GridViewSummary> list;
if (g == null)
list = this.mGeneralSummaries;
list = g.Summaries;
foreach (GridViewSummary s in list)
if (column.ToLower() == s.Column.ToLower())
return true;
return false;
#region Public Helper functions
public int GetRealIndexFromVisibleColumnIndex(int visibleIndex)
int visibles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
if (mGrid.Columns[i].Visible)
if (visibleIndex == visibles) return i;
// Not found....
return -1;
public int GetVisibleColumnIndex(string columnName)
int visibles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
if (GetDataFieldName(mGrid.Columns[i]).ToLower() == columnName.ToLower())
return visibles;
if (mGrid.Columns[i].Visible) visibles++;
// Not found....
return -1;
public int GetColumnIndex(string columnName)
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
if (GetDataFieldName(mGrid.Columns[i]).ToLower() == columnName.ToLower())
return i;
// Not found....
return -1;
public string GetDataFieldName(DataControlField field)
// TO DO: Enable search in HyperLinkField, ButtonField...
if (field is BoundField)
return (field as BoundField).DataField;
// It hopes that SortExpression is set (and it's equal to column name)
return field.SortExpression;
public string GetColumnFormat(int colIndex)
// TO DO: Enable search in HyperLinkField, ButtonField...
if (mGrid.Columns[colIndex] is BoundField)
return (mGrid.Columns[colIndex] as BoundField).DataFormatString;
return String.Empty;
public int GetVisibleColumnCount()
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
if (mGrid.Columns[i].Visible) ret++;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// This method must be called to hide columns that doesn't
/// have any summary operation when we are using a suppress group
/// </summary>
public void HideColumnsWithoutGroupSummary()
string colname;
bool colChecked;
foreach (DataControlField dcf in mGrid.Columns)
colChecked = false;
colname = GetDataFieldName(dcf).ToLower();
foreach (GridViewGroup g in mGroups)
// Check if it's part of the group columns
for (int j = 0; j < g.Columns.Length; j++)
if (colname == g.Columns[j].ToLower())
colChecked = true;
if (colChecked) break;
// Check if it's part of a group summary
colChecked = ColumnHasSummary(colname, g);
if (colChecked) break;
if (colChecked) continue;
dcf.Visible = false;
/// <summary>
/// Legacy name...
/// </summary>
public void SetInvisibleColumnsWithoutGroupSummary()
/// <summary>
/// Inserts a grid row with one cell only
/// </summary>
/// <param name="beforeRow"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public GridViewRow InsertGridRow(GridViewRow beforeRow)
int visibleColumns = this.GetVisibleColumnCount();
Table tbl = (Table)mGrid.Controls[0];
int newRowIndex = tbl.Rows.GetRowIndex(beforeRow);
GridViewRow newRow = new GridViewRow(newRowIndex, newRowIndex, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal);
newRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell());
if (visibleColumns > 1)
newRow.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = visibleColumns;
tbl.Controls.AddAt(newRowIndex, newRow);
return newRow;
public void ApplyGroupSort()
mGrid.Sort(this.GetSequentialGroupColumns(), groupSortDir);
public enum SummaryOperation { Sum, Avg, Count, Custom }
public delegate void CustomSummaryOperation(string column, string groupName, object value);
public delegate object SummaryResultMethod(string column, string groupName);
/// <summary>
/// A class that represents a summary operation defined to a column
/// </summary>
public class GridViewSummary
#region Fields
private string _column;
private SummaryOperation _operation;
private CustomSummaryOperation _customOperation;
private SummaryResultMethod _getSummaryMethod;
private GridViewGroup _group;
private object _value;
private string _formatString;
private int _quantity;
private bool _automatic;
private bool _treatNullAsZero;
#region Properties
public string Column
get { return _column; }
public SummaryOperation Operation
get { return _operation; }
public CustomSummaryOperation CustomOperation
get { return _customOperation; }
public SummaryResultMethod GetSummaryMethod
get { return _getSummaryMethod; }
public GridViewGroup Group
get { return _group; }
public object Value
get { return _value; }
public string FormatString
get { return _formatString; }
set { _formatString = value; }
public int Quantity
get { return _quantity; }
public bool Automatic
get { return _automatic; }
set { _automatic = value; }
public bool TreatNullAsZero
get { return _treatNullAsZero; }
set { _treatNullAsZero = value; }
#region Constructors
private GridViewSummary(string col, GridViewGroup grp)
this._column = col;
this._group = grp;
this._value = null;
this._quantity = 0;
this._automatic = true;
this._treatNullAsZero = false;
public GridViewSummary(string col, string formatString, SummaryOperation op, GridViewGroup grp)
: this(col, grp)
this._formatString = formatString;
this._operation = op;
this._customOperation = null;
this._getSummaryMethod = null;
public GridViewSummary(string col, SummaryOperation op, GridViewGroup grp)
: this(col, String.Empty, op, grp)
public GridViewSummary(string col, string formatString, CustomSummaryOperation op, SummaryResultMethod getResult, GridViewGroup grp)
: this(col, grp)
this._formatString = formatString;
this._operation = SummaryOperation.Custom;
this._customOperation = op;
this._getSummaryMethod = getResult;
public GridViewSummary(string col, CustomSummaryOperation op, SummaryResultMethod getResult, GridViewGroup grp)
: this(col, String.Empty, op, getResult, grp)
internal void SetGroup(GridViewGroup g)
this._group = g;
public bool Validate()
if (this._operation == SummaryOperation.Custom)
return (this._customOperation != null && this._getSummaryMethod != null);
return (this._customOperation == null && this._getSummaryMethod == null);
public void Reset()
this._quantity = 0;
this._value = null;
public void AddValue(object newValue)
// Increment to (later) calc the Avg or for other calcs
// Built-in operations
if (this._operation == SummaryOperation.Sum || this._operation == SummaryOperation.Avg)
if (this._value == null)
this._value = newValue;
this._value = PerformSum(this._value, newValue);
// Custom operation
if (this._customOperation != null)
// Call the custom operation
if (this._group != null)
this._customOperation(this._column, this._group.Name, newValue);
this._customOperation(this._column, null, newValue);
public void Calculate()
if (this._operation == SummaryOperation.Avg)
this._value = PerformDiv(this._value, this._quantity);
if (this._operation == SummaryOperation.Count)
this._value = this._quantity;
else if (this._operation == SummaryOperation.Custom)
if (this._getSummaryMethod != null)
this._value = this._getSummaryMethod(this._column, null);
// if this.Operation == SummaryOperation.Avg
// this.Value already contains the correct value
#region Built-in Summary Operations
private object PerformSum(object a, object b)
object zero = 0;
if (a == null)
if (_treatNullAsZero)
a = 0;
return null;
if (b == null)
if (_treatNullAsZero)
b = 0;
return null;
// Convert to proper type before add
switch (a.GetType().FullName)
case "System.Int16": return Convert.ToInt16(a) + Convert.ToInt16(b);
case "System.Int32": return Convert.ToInt32(a) + Convert.ToInt32(b);
case "System.Int64": return Convert.ToInt64(a) + Convert.ToInt64(b);
case "System.UInt16": return Convert.ToUInt16(a) + Convert.ToUInt16(b);
case "System.UInt32": return Convert.ToUInt32(a) + Convert.ToUInt32(b);
case "System.UInt64": return Convert.ToUInt64(a) + Convert.ToUInt64(b);
case "System.Single": return Convert.ToSingle(a) + Convert.ToSingle(b);
case "System.Double": return Convert.ToDouble(a) + Convert.ToDouble(b);
case "System.Decimal": return Convert.ToDecimal(a) + Convert.ToDecimal(b);
case "System.Byte": return Convert.ToByte(a) + Convert.ToByte(b);
case "System.String": return a.ToString() + b.ToString();
return null;
private object PerformDiv(object a, int b)
object zero = 0;
if (a == null)
return (_treatNullAsZero ? zero : null);
// Don't raise an exception, just return null
if (b == 0)
return null;
// Convert to proper type before div
switch (a.GetType().FullName)
case "System.Int16": return Convert.ToInt16(a) / b;
case "System.Int32": return Convert.ToInt32(a) / b;
case "System.Int64": return Convert.ToInt64(a) / b;
case "System.UInt16": return Convert.ToUInt16(a) / b;
case "System.UInt32": return Convert.ToUInt32(a) / b;
case "System.Single": return Convert.ToSingle(a) / b;
case "System.Double": return Convert.ToDouble(a) / b;
case "System.Decimal": return Convert.ToDecimal(a) / b;
case "System.Byte": return Convert.ToByte(a) / b;
// Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
//case "System.UInt64": return Convert.ToUInt64(a) / b;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for GridViewSummaryList
/// </summary>
public class GridViewSummaryList : List<GridViewSummary>
public GridViewSummary this[string name]
get { return this.FindSummaryByColumn(name); }
public GridViewSummary FindSummaryByColumn(string columnName)
foreach (GridViewSummary s in this)
if (s.Column.ToLower() == columnName.ToLower()) return s;
return null;
2) add this code in source
<asp:GridView ID="gvConsolidatedReport" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
Visible="True" EnableViewState="False" BorderColor="#9AB3D3" BorderWidth="1px"
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Sl No" HeaderStyle-Width="5%" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<%# Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>
<PagerStyle CssClass="ob_paging" />
<HeaderStyle CssClass="ob_gH" />
<%--<SelectedRowStyle CssClass="ob_gRS"/>--%>
<RowStyle CssClass="ob_gR" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="ob_gRA" />
<FooterStyle CssClass="ob_footer" />
==>add it in code behind
if (dsDetailed != null && dsDetailed.Tables.Count != 0 && dsDetailed.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
foreach (DataColumn col in dsDetailed.Tables[0].Columns)
BoundField bField = new BoundField();
bField.DataField = col.ColumnName;
bField.HeaderText = col.ColumnName;
bField.SortExpression = bField.HeaderText;
gvConsolidatedReport.DataSource = dsDetailed.Tables[0];
ExcelExport1.DataTableToExport = PDFExport1.DataTableToExport = dsDetailed.Tables[0];
PDFExport1.TitleText = lblHeaderText.Text;
ExcelExport1.TitleText = lblHeaderText.Text;
ExcelExport1.FileName = PDFExport1.FileName = lblHeaderText.Text;
pnlGrid.Visible = true;
pnlGrid.Visible = false;
CustomMessage1.Information("No Data Found for the Selection Criteria.");
private void PrepareGridforConsolidated()
if (RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem != null)
GridViewHelper gvHelper = new GridViewHelper(this.gvConsolidatedReport);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("A", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("B", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("C", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("D", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("E", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.GeneralSummary += new FooterEvent(gvHelper_GeneralSummary2);
catch (Exception ex)
pnlGrid.Visible = false;
CustomMessage1.Error("Unable to Get This Report");
private void PrepareGridforDetail()
if (RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem != null)
GridViewHelper gvHelper = new GridViewHelper(this.gvConsolidatedReport);
gvHelper.RegisterGroup(RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem.Text, true, true);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("G", SummaryOperation.Sum, RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem.Text);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("G", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("I", SummaryOperation.Sum, RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem.Text);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("I", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("J", SummaryOperation.Sum, RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem.Text);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("J", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("K", SummaryOperation.Sum, RbtnConsolidatedOptions.SelectedItem.Text);
gvHelper.RegisterSummary("K", SummaryOperation.Sum);
gvHelper.GroupSummary += new GroupEvent(gvHelper_GroupSummary);
gvHelper.GeneralSummary += new FooterEvent(gvHelper_GeneralSummary);
gvHelper.GroupHeader += new GroupEvent(gvHelper_GroupHeader);
catch (Exception ex)
pnlGrid.Visible = false;
CustomMessage1.Error("Unable to Get This Report");
3)supporting classes
void gvHelper_GroupHeader(string groupName, object[] values, GridViewRow row)
row.CssClass = "ob_gH";
// row.Cells[0].Text = " " + row.Cells[0].Text;
void gvHelper_GroupSummary(string groupName, object[] values, GridViewRow row)
row.Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
row.Font.Bold = true;
row.Cells[0].Text = "Total ";
void gvHelper_GeneralSummary(GridViewRow row)
row.Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
row.Font.Bold = true;
row.Font.Size = 10;
row.Cells[0].Text = "Grand Total ";
void gvHelper_GeneralSummary2(GridViewRow row)
row.Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
row.Font.Bold = true;
row.Cells[0].Text = "Total ";
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